The dress code will be “express your true self”, while in the debate we will invite our guests to take sides and share their subjective pros and cons regarding the life strategy they choose to follow as they define and establish their “true self.”
Perhaps they are a Seeker, who believes that there is something profoundly predetermined about a person’s life (by god, genes, personality type, human design, or else) — so that one’s task is to discover and enact what's “pre-written.” Or potentially they align more with a Creator, who approaches her “true self” as an arbitrary character yet to be written and brought to life, with no “meaning of life” predetermined but rather conceived and chosen.
With our curated and varied guest list, we expect the exchange of experiences and expertise from both the logical and intuitive minds, from materialists and spiritual beings. In a civil yet heated discussion, some minds will be turned and personal worldviews expanded.